The Government of Ecuador is in the process of creating a new Constitution that will change the laws and regulations, public policies and institutions will change as a result. Within this context, the HCPD is aim to support this process and its efforts and to formulate a strategy to best approach the urban sector.
The document provides and overview of the national context and the intervention areas to address urban development challenges for the next two years. The intervention areas are: Urban planning and management, governance, land and housing; basic services, urban development and urban environment and capacity building for development.
Within these areas, and according to the National Development Plan, four specific lines of work have been decided: water and sanitation, housing, urban planning and management and citizen participation. With the collaboration of partners such as SENPLADES, MIDUVI and social organizations such as Contrato Social por la Vivienda and Foro Urbano Ecuador, it is expected that UN-HABITAT will continue its active role in urban policies and projects.