Deadline: 6 June 2022, noon Beirut time
Within the framework of the project “Rehabilitation of Residential Buildings and Supporting the Recovery of Cultural and Creative Industries” targeting the area affected by the explosion of the Port of Beirut, implemented by the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) and funded by the Lebanon Financing Facility (LFF) under the management of The World Bank, UN-Habitat has established a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). It is comprised of entities from relevant official bodies whose mission is to provide technical and strategic level advice, guidance, oversight, and support, during the project implementation phases. The presence of representatives of the official authorities concerned with reconstruction and heritage revival will also help to ensure coordination between the activities and components of the project. It will also ensure activating coordination with other sectors working within the tripartite framework: reconstruction, recovery, and reforms (the TAC Terms of Reference is attached).
In addition to UN-Habitat, the Committee includes the Governor of Beirut and the President of the Beirut Municipal Council, the Ministry of Culture/Directorate General of Antiquities, the Ministry of Social Affairs/Public Housing Corporation, the Order of Architects and Engineers in Beirut, the Forward Emergency Room of the Lebanese Army, and UNESCO. Furthermore, two (2) representatives of local CSO/NGOs and/or national universities with subject expertise in housing and/or cultural heritage are invited to participate in the Committee on pro bono basis to give a wide scope for discussion and deliberation on challenges and appropriate suggestions locally and on the ground.
In this context, if your entity is interested in joining the TAC, and you have specific and relevant expertise in housing and/or cultural heritage, you are kindly requested to fill out the attached Expression of Interest and information to be evaluated for the selection of representatives to participate in the meetings of the TAC. This participation is for a period of up to six months, after which other representatives will be invited to give an opportunity to the largest number of entities to participate.
Please send your Expression of Interest to: by 6 June 2022, noon Beirut time