
Date first published: 13 August 2019

Deadline for submissions of EoIs: 9 September 2019


  1. Introduction

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is the United Nations agency for human settlements and sustainable urban development. In line with the New Urban Agenda, among other things, UN-Habitat seeks to assist cities in improving access and mobility through improvements in public transport and in facilities for walking and cycling (Sustainable Urban Mobility). It does so by facilitating policy dialogue, through sharing good examples and by providing technical assistance for the development and implementation of field projects that demonstrate the principles of “Sustainable Mobility”. The transport sector, which is largely dependent on fossil fuels, contributes to environmental pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Thus, promoting walking and cycling in cities is key to improve air quality and reduce emissions. However, streets are a dangerous place for pedestrians, as worldwide road traffic accidents are the 10th leading cause of death and the 1st one among children aged 10 to 19 in developing countries. In this regard, UN-Habitat is working towards supporting wide spread adoption of a safe system approach that could have a positive impact not only in terms of air pollution and climate change, but also in terms of public health and road safety with a view to achieving improved accessibility for all in cities in a cleaner and sustainable way.


Proposed “Promoting Safe School Environments in Belo Horizonte, Brazil – Launch of the Second Zone 30 in Belo Horizonte”


Belo Horizonte has an innovative Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, called PlanMob-BH, with a comprehensive set of active mobility measures that include and extensive Zones 30 network. The proposed Zone 30 project in the Pampulha neighbourhood is the second of a series of planned interventions to be implemented in areas where the conflict between pedestrians and motor vehicles are critical because of the width of the road, the lack of signage for vehicles, the very narrow sidewalks and the intense flow of children and adolescents due to the existence of two large schools in the area. Moreover, beyond the immediate mobility related issues, Belo Horizonte also recognises these measures as an opportunity to revitalise the area and enhance the quality of life by creating pedestrianised streets and giving the space back to people from cars.

This call for expressions of interest, invites governmental, inter-governmental organisations, universities, think-tanks, not-for-profit organisations, civil society organisations and academic institutions to collaborate with BHTRANS – “Empresa de Transportes e Trânsito de Belo Horizonte“, the public company responsible for urban transportation and traffic management in the city, in the implementation of the proposed ‘Promoting Safe School Environments in Belo Horizonte, Brazil – Launch of the Second Zone 30 in Belo Horizonte’ project.  The aim of this collaboration is to develop and implement a pilot demonstration project during September and October, during the Mobility Week, the Car-free Day and the Day of Walking and Cycling to School to raise awareness about the importance of active mobility among children and teenagers as well as with the local community. The project should demonstrate the feasibility of implementing the proposed Zone 30 permanently by engaging the community and gaining public acceptance. It will also showcase the intervention as a model that can be replicated citywide. Thus, the intervention should consider the execution of several workshops and awareness raising activities in order to reinforce the participation processes. Moreover, it should be carried out with the participation of all relevant stakeholders and the coordination of all the involved institutions, generating the necessary interinstitutional coordination and community participation for the project to succeed.


The collaboration will entail:

  • Selection of the specific area in which the activities will be carried out together with BHTrans
  • Identify, facilitate and collaborate engagement of key stakeholders critical for the successful implementation of the project
  • Planning and implementation of awareness raising workshops with students, parents, teachers and neighbours to define the scope of the interventions
  • Monitoring of air quality using available air quality measuring device for the intervention area
  • Carry out temporary interventions with the community
  • Close the area to vehicular traffic during Car-Free Day and plan recreational, cultural and awareness raising activities in the public space
  • Maintain temporary intervention at least until the Day of Walking and Cycling to School
  • Organize walks and cycling with girls, boys and adolescents during the Day of Walking and Cycling to School
  • Organize activities during the World Habitat Day
  • Document the process and activities (photos, videos, interviews, etc.)
  • Evaluate the project at the end of agreement period and provide a report highlighting lessons learnt, experiences and recommendations for future performance

The EOI should contain, but not be limited to the following:

  • Overall background of the institution in the area of urban mobility;
  • A short conceptual proposal on how the organisation plans to develop and implement this initiative;
  • The support/ contribution the organization is willing to make including, cash and in kind; (contribution in terms of staff time, office space and equipment and others. Support in-kind should be expressed in monetary terms)
  • Detailed breakdown of cost by component; ( items 1 through 4 outlined above)
  • Governance and organizational structure; experience and qualifications of key professional staff and infrastructure facilities of the organization;
  • Certified true copy of original Audited Financial Statement for the last two years; and
  • Annual report.


  1. UN-Habitat Contribution

Upon selection UN-Habitat will enter into an Agreement of Cooperation with the selected entity. UN-Habitat will contribute to the tune of about Euro10,000 for a period of 12 months towards the cost of implementation of the demonstration pilot project.


  1. Overall Timeframe

The work outlined in this EOI is scheduled to commence in August 2019 and completed by 31 December 2019.


  1. Submission Requirements and Guidelines

Expression of Interest must be delivered in electronic format no later than 9 September 2019 to  copying


  1. Contact Information

Kennedy Kamau

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 254-20-7625064


  1. Other

Please note that this EOI notice does not constitute a solicitation. UN-Habitat reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement at any time in the Expressions of Interest/or solicitation process.

Submitting a reply to an EOI does not guarantee that a Cooperation Partner will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued and only Cooperation Partners who are deemed qualified by UN-Habitat upon completion of evaluation of submission, will receive the final solicitation document.