  1. Introduction

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is the United Nations agency for human settlements and sustainable urban development. In line with the New Urban Agenda, among other things, UN-Habitat seeks to assist cities in improving access and mobility through improvements in public transport and in facilities for walking and cycling (Sustainable Urban Mobility). It does so by facilitating policy dialogue, through sharing good examples and by providing technical assistance for the development and implementation of field projects that demonstrate the principles of “Sustainable Mobility”. The transport sector which is largely dependent on fossil fuels contributes to environmental pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Electric mobility is one of the solutions to reducing the transport sector’s CO2, pollutants and noise. There is growing interest in e-mobility globally in response to climate change, energy and environmental concerns. In this regard, UN-Habitat is working towards supporting wide spread adoption of electric vehicles with a view achieving improved accessibility for all in cities in a cleaner and sustainable way.   

Proposed ‘Promoting Electric Mobility in Kochi, India: Shift to Electric Auto Rickshaws’

Auto rickshaws are an important form of public transport in most cities in India including in Kochi making up a significant share of daily trips and a mode for ‘first and last mile’ connectivity. Electric two and three wheelers often represent an opportunity that can be leveraged on in growing cities such as Kochi. Shifting from conventionally fuelled to electric auto rickshaws can meaningfully contribute to reducing carbon emissions and particulate matter (PM) leading to improved health for citizens.

This call for expressions of interest, invites governmental, inter-governmental organisations, universities, think-tanks, not-for profit organisations and academic institutions to collaborate to implement the proposed ‘Promoting Electric Mobility in Kochi, India: Shift to Electric Auto Rickshaws’ project.  The aim of this collaboration is to develop and implement a pilot demonstration project to facilitate auto rickshaw operators in Kochi city to move from conventionally fuelled to electric auto rickshaws that are cleaner and sustainable. The project focuses on auto rickshaw operators who rely on hiring from auto rickshaw providers for their daily operations. Initial assessment shows that electric auto rickshaws are hired at a higher cost than the conventional ones which is therefore an inhibiting factor for the shift to electric ones. The collaborating partner will hence develop a business model suitable to boost wide scale hiring of electric auto rickshaws by operators in Kochi city. A proposed approach is to set up a ‘revolving fund’ to extend subsidy to offset the difference between cost of hire of electric auto rickshaws and conventionally fuelled auto rickshaw. This will ensure that funds are continuously available for operators to benefit and for sustainability of the project. In this regard, consultations and engagement with various local actors, representatives of auto rickshaw operators/ union and auto rickshaw operators is critical for success of the project.  Additionally, the project will create awareness amongst the auto rickshaw operators and the wider community on the environmental benefits of shift to e-mobility such as reduced carbon emissions and improved air quality. 

 The collaboration will entail:

  1. Developing a business model that allows continuity of the activities even after closure of the agreement of cooperation with UN-Habitat. A ‘revolving fund’ approach is recommended.
  2. Identify, facilitate and collaborate engagement of auto rickshaw operators/ union and other key stakeholders critical for success of the project
  3. Carry out awareness raising activities and consultations to promote wide scale adoption of electric auto rickshaws in Kochi
  4. Evaluate the project at the end of agreement period and provide a report highlighting lessons learnt, experiences and recommendations for future performance

The EOI should contain, but not be limited to the following:

  1. Overall background of the institution in the area of urban mobility;
  2. A short conceptual proposal on how the organisation plans to develop and implement this initiative;
  3. The support/ contribution the organization is willing to make including, cash and in kind; (contribution in terms of staff time, office space and equipment and others. Support in-kind should be expressed in monetary terms)
  4. Detailed breakdown of cost by component; ( items 1 through 4 outlined above)
  5. Governance and organizational structure; experience and qualifications of key professional staff and infrastructure facilities of the organization;
  6. Certified true copy of original Audited Financial Statement for the last two years; and
  7. Annual report.

UN-Habitat Contribution

Upon selection UN-Habitat will enter into an Agreement of Cooperation with the selected entity. UN-Habitat will contribute to the tune of Euro 10,000 for a period of 12 months towards the cost of implementation of the demonstration pilot project.


  1. Overall Timeframe

 The work outlined in this EOI is scheduled to commence in July 2019 and completed by 31 May 2020.


  1. Submission Requirements and Guidelines

Expression of Interest must be delivered in electronic format no later than 25 July 2019 to  copying


  1. Contact Information

Kennedy Kamau,
Urban Mobility Unit,
Urban Basic Services Branch
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)

P.O. Box 30030, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 254-20-7625064 



  1. Other

Please note that this EOI notice does not constitute a solicitation. UN-Habitat reserves the right to change or cancel this requirement at any time in the Expressions of Interest/or solicitation process.

Submitting a reply to an EOI does not guarantee that a Cooperation Partner will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued and only Cooperation Partners who are deemed qualified by UN-Habitat upon completion of evaluation of submission, will receive the final solicitation document.