
The purpose of the Call for Expression of Interest is to solicit interest from existing or prospective Implementing Partners that wish to participate in UN-Habitat operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, funds, in-kind contributions, supplies and/or equipment) to achieving common objectives as outlined below and subsequently agreed in an Agreement of Cooperation

Size of grant: 165.000 USD

Purpose of CFP: Recruitment of an Implementing Partner (Civil Society Organisation and/or Non-Governmental Organisation) for the implementation of activities in the Hauts Bassins and Boucle du Mouhoun regions


Project Key Information

  • UN-Habitat Project title : “Facilitation of access to land for young people and promotion of their participation in the prevention and management of land conflicts in rural and peri-urban areas in the Boucle du Mouhoun and Hauts Bassins regions”
  • Locations
    • Région des la Boucle du Mouhoun: Communes de Dédougou, Siby, et Bagassi.
    • Région des Hauts Bassins: Communes de Karangasso Sambla, Karangasso Vigué et Houndé.
    • Country: Burkina Faso
  • Anticipated start date : May 2022
  • Estimated duration of project in calendar months: 12 – 15 months (until July 2023)
  • Maximum proposed value in US$: 165.000 USD
  • Lead Organization Unit: UN-Habitat;
  • For additional information, please contact and submit your proposals until 13 May 2022 to:


Brief Background of the Project

Burkina Faso has been facing a security crisis in recent years, characterised by attacks by unidentified armed groups, the rise of violent extremism and community conflicts. Among the community conflicts, land conflicts affect social cohesion and compromise the search for lasting peace in most regions. In response to this situation, the government of Burkina Faso initiated the Emergency Programme for the Sahel in Burkina Faso (PUS-BF), which has received support from the United Nations System in Burkina Faso (UNS) through projects financed by the Peace Building Fund (PBF). The project entitled "Facilitation of access to land and participation of young people in the prevention and management of land conflicts in the Boucle du Mouhoun and Hauts Bassins regions" is financed by the PBF. The project is implemented jointly by FAO and UN-Habitat.

This project aims to increase the opportunities for young people to be key actors for the prevention of land conflicts and for peace building; the activities in the project will enable them to play a more active role in the bodies and structures for the prevention and management of land conflicts while improving their sustainable and legal access to spaces for income generation, including agro-sylvo-pastoral production, exploitation and various transformations linked to natural resources in rural and peri-urban areas.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the reduction of conflict risks through the promotion of inclusive and participatory processes, responsible and sustainable land governance and the increase of community resilience to environmental challenges and large-scale land transactions. Specifically, the project will:

  • Analyse conflict dynamics, stakeholders and socio-economic and structural challenges and build capacity of structures/mechanisms for conflict prevention and management in a more inclusive manner for young people (women and men);
  • Develop training opportunities, employment and economic activities for young people through transformative and innovative projects in an area undergoing urbanisation and subject to climatic and environmental challenges;
  • Strengthen the capacities of local actors, including young people, on the inclusive and participatory approach, the texts on land tenure and territorial planning. 

Three results are expected from the implementation of this project:

  1. Young people are included in local mechanisms and participate in the prevention and management of land conflicts;
  2. Investments in socio-economic stability and peace are made for young people, in line with sustainable land management and local territorial planning;
  3. The capacities of local actors are strengthened for inclusive land management processes and facilitated territorial planning.

In order to achieve the results of this project, several actors will be involved, in particular the Civil Society Organisations/NGOs which will be in charge of the mobilisation and engagement of youth under the supervision of UN-Habitat. The current call for proposals has been drafted for the recruitment of a local CSO/NGO, who will be UN-Habitat’s partner in the implementation of activities in the Boucle du Mouhoun and Hauts-Bassins regions.


Main activities and outputs

The Implementing Partner will be undertaking main activities as follows (but not limited to):

Activities on mobilisation and engagement with youth and local key actors:

- Produce a mapping of youth and women's associative structures in the communes in relation to the project's objectives and activities;
- Support the mobilisation of youth organisations and movements in the project's communes for participation in the activities and consultations in the consultative processes;
- Facilitate the engagement with local structures for the implementation of the project at the level of each municipality;
- Facilitate the mobilisation of local authorities, customary leaders and notables at the communal level;
- Facilitate the implementation of the study on the analysis of land management and local economic development through focus group discussions (two per municipality).

Advocacy activities:

- Facilitate the dissemination of the results of the diagnostic study on the sources and typologies of land conflicts and the mechanisms for preventing and mediating these conflicts through the organisation of public conferences, focus groups, forum theatres etc;
- Conduct an assessment of the state of play of the involvement of young people and women in the prevention and mediation of land conflicts;
- Organise knowledge-sharing sessions on the report on the state of play of the involvement of young people and women in the mechanisms for preventing and mediating land conflicts in the two regions;
- Facilitate frameworks for interaction between young people, women and local actors in charge of land management, at the communal and regional levels, on the state of play of the involvement of young people and women in the mechanisms of prevention and mediation of land conflicts;
- Develop and pilots, with youth and women's organisations and/or movements, key advocacy messages on taking into account the youth and women dimension in land conflict prevention and management mechanisms;
- Produce appropriate materials for dissemination of advocacy messages in consultation with other stakeholders;
- Define the channels and schedule for dissemination of advocacy messages adapted to the targets;
- In coordination with other project actors, organise public lectures on the roles and responsibilities of youth and women in land management and knowledge sharing sessions;
- Organise radio programmes/interactive debates on the roles and responsibilities of young people and women in the management of crises related to access to land.


Capacity building activities:

- Organise training sessions for organisations, youth and women's movements on themes related to the project's objectives, notably on

  • Mechanisms for prevention and mediation of land conflicts in the context of security crises and massive population displacement;
  • The conditions of access to land in both rural and urban areas for development activities;
  • The roles and responsibilities of youth and women in the prevention of land conflicts;
  • On the texts governing land tenure and natural resource management;
  • Participatory processes for spatial planning and land use (zoning) and increase dialogue between actors in exchange sessions, for an integrated and inclusive approach by involving young people in the processes for the development of spatial frameworks;

- Organise training sessions for actors in the land tenure chain at local (communal) level on, in particular

  • The challenges of taking into account young people and women in the mechanisms of prevention and mediation of land conflicts;
  • The instruments of land governance in urban and rural areas;

- Facilitate the participation and consultation of young people in the development of spatial frameworks with an integrated and inclusive approach;
- Facilitate the organisation of training/capacity building of communities for territorial planning integrating climate change adaptation;
- Facilitate the organisation of two exchange workshops on the "achievements and lessons learned" of the project and the guide including key actors from other regions;
- Facilitate the organisation of frameworks for sharing African experiences on mechanisms for the prevention and mediation of land conflicts, in particular the tools developed by UN-Habitat and the OSC/ONG.

Activities around the creation of innovative catalytic projects

- Organise awareness-raising sessions for organisations, youth and women's movements on the development of urban and peri-urban agriculture that consumes less space in the context of acute land pressure;
- Support fifty (50) young people and women with land to secure their occupation (rental contract, certificate of land possession, certificate of allocation and/or exploitation decree) in each commune of the project;
- Launching calls for innovative projects in peri-urban and urban agriculture led by young people and women in the project's communes;
- Support the installation of fifty (50) young people and women (per commune) who are winners of the urban and peri-urban agricultural project competitions in the project municipalities;

- Elaborate and make available to youth and women's organisations a catalogue of good practices for the development of urban and peri-urban agriculture that consumes less space in the context of acute land pressure;

Activities for fostering peace and social cohesion

- Organise awareness-raising sessions between young people and women (indigenous people, internally displaced persons, migrants) on peaceful coexistence and the fight against community stigmatisation;
- Facilitate consultation frameworks between young people, local authorities and notables on themes that are catalysts for peace and social cohesion.


Risk Analysis

The project is located in Burkina Faso’s Boucle du Mouhoun and Hauts-Bassin Region, which are increasingly challenged through armed conflict, security incidents and displacements. The communities have been selected, in coordination with the local authorities, because of their land related conflicts.


Mitigation Measure

The security situation degrades, making some zones less accessible and might hinder the implementation of activities, including consultations. This might delay activites, but also mean risks for partners and teams.

Security advice from UNDSS will be followed, and, where possible, shared with partners.

All UN-Habitat staff will have conducted the required trainings before going on mission;

Some activities might not take place in high-risk security areas, but beneficiaries will be invited to join in other locations.


Profiles and requirements for the CSO/NGO

- The Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) must be present or represented in the Boucle du Mouhoun region and in the Hauts Bassin region and have a representative or focal point in each commune targeted by the project. These focal points will be responsible for the implementation of the project activities in line with the missions of the CSO/NGO at the communal level.
- The Civil Society Organisation (CSO) or Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) should have practical experience of working :

  • with humanitarian or development actors in the implementation of similar activities in the project areas;
  • with local authorities, youth and women's organisations;

- It must have three years' experience in Burkina Faso of implementing projects involving young people and/or women and have a real organisational structure in the field with a strong capacity for community engagement and mobilization of communal actors, for organising consultations at community level including vulnerable people and experience specifically in the context of conflicts or around activities similar to those listed in these terms of reference;
- The CSO or NGO should have experience in organising training workshops, exchange workshops and experience in awareness raising, advocacy, peace and social cohesion work, consultation and facilitating the inclusion of youth and women;
- Experience working with at least one UN agency and therefore knowledge of UN procedures would be a strong asset.
- The CSO/NGO should have experience in reporting and report writing of a high standard (including English summaries);
- The CSO or NGO should be able to demonstrate good financial management capacity certified by financial statements (according to UN regulations) and have qualified staff able to cover the entire project area.
- Finally, the Civil Society Organisation (CSO) or Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) should be recognised by the Permanent Secretariat of Non-Governmental Organisations (SPONG) and/or the Ministry in charge of public liberties.


Eligibility Criteria


Submission Details/ Documents Required

Legal Status

  • Certificate of registration/incorporation i.e.,
  • Proof of registration in Country of Origin.
  • Proof of registration of Country of operation
  • Proof of country operational presence

Organization profile and details

  • Clear organization profile and structure of the organization indicating:
    • Organization’s vision, mission and objectives
    • Management structure
    • Members of the Governing Board and their Designations duly certified by the Corporate Secretary, or its equivalent document
    • Proof of membership to professional associations if any.

Financial Capacity

  • Audited company financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) and auditors report for the last two years

Exclusive bank account

  • Is the organization willing and able to have a separate bank account for the funds provided by UN-Habitat?

Integrity and Governance

  • The organization should complete and submit a signed Partner Declaration Form
  • Provide the profiles of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Head of the Organization and Chief of Finance


Selection Criteria


Submission Details/ Documents Required


1.   Technical capacity



1.1 Does the organization have the relevant experience and proven track record in implementing activities in the areas of the project?

Has it managed in the past projects of similar technical complexities and financial size?

Is the project linked with the core business of the IP?

  • List of projects executed in the last 2 years (value, location, donors, nature of projects, execution stage – completed or ongoing).
  • Demonstrate how the experiences in past projects are relevant in the execution of the current proposal
  • References from past donors


1.2 Does the organization have qualified technical staff with the experience and the technical skills required by the project?

What is the staff size, type, qualification and education background?

  • CVs of key management staff, technical and non-technical staff that will be involved on the project
  • How many technical staff do you have in the concerned Country for implementing the project? Is there reasonable assurance that such technical staff required by the project will continue to be available as needed in the Project?


1.3 Does the organization have a clear and strong link with an identifiable constituency relevant to the targeted population of the project?

Does it have the ability to impact on the targeted population and on the issues?

Does it have strong presence in the field and for how long?

Does it have adequate capacity to work in key areas/regions where the proposed field activities will be implemented?

  • Demonstrate, describe and provide proof of local operational presence, including link and ability to impact the targeted population.


1.4 Does the organization possess adequate physical facilities, office equipment, transport, etc. to implement the activities?

  • Provide location and list of office facilities, vehicles and office equipment locally available to implement the project.


1.5 Does the organization have formal procedures to monitor project execution (e.g. milestones, outputs, expenditures…)

  • Provide formal project monitoring policies and procedures


2.   Financial and administrative capacity



2.1 Has the organization been in operation over a period of at least 2 years to demonstrate its financial sustainability and relevance?

  • State the years of operation
  • Financial statements for the last 2 years


2.2 Does the organization have qualified staff in Finance? Is the current accounting system computerized and does have the capacity to collect and provide separate financial reports on the activities executed under the Agreement of Cooperation?

Does it have systems and practices to monitor and report whether the project deliverables and expenditures are within agreed time and budget?

Does it have minimum segregation of duties in place (separation between project management, finance/accounting and executive office)

  • CVs of key finance and accounting staff
  • Description and key features and controls of the accounting system used
  • Organization structure/ Organogram


2.3 Does the organization have the capacity to procure goods and services on a transparent and competitive basis? (if applicable) check for procurement unit with experienced staff

  • Copies of procurement policies and procedures. The procedures should show how you procure locally and internationally.


2.4 Does the organization have formal procedures and controls to mitigate fraud such as multiple signature signatories on bank accounts, reporting and prosecution of incidences of fraud?

  • Describe anti-fraud controls and provide formal procedures


2.5 Does the organization have capacity to provide in-kind, financial, personnel contribution as UN-Habitat Implementing Partner in this present project? Please give details of contribution nature and size.

  • Describe nature and value of contribution (in-kind or cash)


3.   Financial Proposal



3.1 Is the budget for each component of the activity to be performed by the Implementing Partner

(i) cost-effective (i.e. the cost should be economical and prudently estimated to avoid any under/over estimation)

(ii) justifiable/well supported and

(iii) accurate and complete


Budget Proposal <provide link>

  • BOQ (if applicable)
  • Other supporting documents


4.   Technical Proposal



4.1 The technical proposal is sound and responds adequately to the specifications and requirements?

Technical Proposal document <provide link>



Cumulative score for ratios





  1. Interested Organizations must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochure, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc).
  2. The CFP and accompanying documents must be received in accordance with instructions provided. CFP submitted to a different email address other than the specified one will not be considered.
  3. CFP from applicants failing to provide the complete information to fulfill the basic eligibility criteria will be considered non-responsive.
  4. CFP received after the above deadline will not be considered
  5. Organizations will be selected in accordance with the procedure set out in the UN-Habitat IP Management policy and Standard Operating Procedures.
  6. CFP from applicants failing to provide the requested information will be disregarded.
  7. This CFP does not entail any commitment on the part of UN-Habitat, either financial or otherwise. UN-Habitat reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds.
  8. All prices must be in USD, with an additional indication of FcFA (XOF).