What are the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP)?
The International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (often referred to as IG-UTP or Guidelines) were released in 2015 as a framework for improving policies, plans, designs and implementation processes which will lead to more compact, socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities and territories that foster sustainable urban development and are resilient to climate change. The Guidelines are available in 12 languages at the UN-Habitat website by clicking here.
It is based on this, that UN-Habitat invites interested institutions and individuals to participate in this call for Case studies. It will help UN-Habitat to identify the status of implementation of Resolution 26/8 of 2017, in which the Governing Council requested UN-Habitat to help member states review the implementation of the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning. In this process, an through partnerships with member states and selected partners, we are working on enhancing knowledge and technical capacities of urban actors and decision-makers to use urban and territorial planning as a tool to improve the living conditions of both people and places, in alignment with the foundational principles of the Guidelines.[1] Therefore, the collection of inspiring practices will act as an instrument to raise awareness and build evidence, encouraging them to the adopt and locally implement the Guidelines.
[1] The foundational principles of the Guidelines or the 12 Key Planning Principles are available in the publication: “International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning”.
Call for proposals
The International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (often referred to as IG-UTP or Guidelines) was adopted in 2015 by the UN-Habitat Governing Council as a framework for improving policies, plans, designs and implementation processes which will lead to more compact, socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities and territories that foster sustainable urban development and are resilient to climate change.
To monitor the implementation of the Guidelines and to compile good planning practices inspired by the Guidelines, UN-Habitat invites organizations and professionals working on integrated and participative planning or interlinked sectors to submit case studies on practices, strategies, plans, designs and achievements in urban and territorial planning.
Your contribution may inspire others to follow the example of good practice provided, and as such your submission will provide an additional contribution to implement the Guidelines and achieve global development goals.
Why participate?
Submissions will be reviewed by UN-Habitat. The information derived from these case studies will be used to prepare the 2020 IGUTP report. The selected case studies will be published in the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP) Compendium of Inspiring Practices, and some shall be annexed to the 2020 IG-UTP global report.
To participate, please submit your draft case study to indicating in the subject: “IG-UTP Best practices – Call for Case Studies”.
Criteria for participation
If you have formulated, implemented, or are familiar with a planning intervention (a spatial policy, plan, design, or process) that has taken place at a particular planning level (transboundary, national, regional or city-region, city or metropolitan, and neighbourhood level), then the case study fits within the framework of the Guidelines and is a potential contribution to the collection.
Areas of focus include: Housing, Landscape Design, Slum Upgrading, Energy, Transport and Mobility, Land Use Planning, Food Systems, Health, Water and Sanitation, Waste Management, and Public Space.
Consideration will be given to interventions demonstrating truly cross sector and integrated planning approaches with a participatory approach acting beyond the neighbourhood level and having a strategic impact at other scales.
Deadline for submissions: Friday, 18 October 2019
To see our first IG-UTP: Towards a Compendium of Inspiring Practices click here.