A Road Map Towards a Socioeconomic Development Plan for the Union of Municipalities of Chamal Baalbek, Baalbek – Hermel Governorate 2024
Building Bridges: Executive Director's Report (2018-2023) 2024 In the past six years, UN-Habitat has grown from strength to strength. The World Urban
Forum is now the world’s premier United Nations platform for sustainable urbanization. UN-Habitat is present in all global platforms including at the UN General Assembly where we were selected on the high impact pillar on localization. It is very clear that shelter, housing, and sustainable urbanization cut across all political divides.
Local Action for Global Goals: An Opportunity for Enhancing Nationally Determined Contributions 2024 As countries prepare to revise their NDCs ahead of COP30, the analysis summarized in this technical brief shows: which countries have the biggest potential to work towards stronger integration of urban content in their NDCs; how they can reap co-benefits of sustainable urban development, effective local adaptation measures, and reducing emissions by stronger collaboration with local governments.
CiCoSA Action Toolkit 2024
A Road Map Towards a Socioeconomic Development Plan for the Union of Municipalities of Chouf El-Souayjani, Mount Lebanon Governorate 2024
Heritopolis working papers – Volume 1 2024 Heritage and Metropolis (Heritopolis) is a loose research network established during 2021 to explore how metropolises are being (re-)shaped by heritage redefining their meaning. This largest category of city is growing rapidly in number and their demographic, economic and governance importance globally. Metropolises are also where many of the sustainability and resilience challenges – including potential loss of natural and cultural heritage – are particularly profound.

Recognising these dramatic changes, this research began by posing questions such as ‘What specific role heritage can play in 21st century metropolises?’ and ‘What are the limits of the current heritage paradigms and how metropolitan authorities can change them?’ The work undertaken to date, including the initial analysis of a first baseline survey reported here, confirms the validity of the initial hypothesis: that there is indeed a need to delve deeper into the nature of metropolitan identities and that this is likely to bring significant innovation in the heritage field as an enabler for sustainable development.
PLGS Annual Report 2023 2024 The Annual Report 2023 of the Policy, Legislation and Governance Section of UN-Habitat showcases the work done in the past year to work towards and support the achievement of the main goal of sustainable urban development.

Much has been achieved by PLGS: more than 44 activities in over 37 countries globally, that consolidated collaboration with donors, development partners and beneficiary countries along the themes of policy, legislation and governance, metropolitan management, and urban-rural linkages.

Specifically, the report presents the progress of the PLGS with the UN-Habitat strategic context; it contains an outline of achievements under the various focus areas, a review of the financial portfolio, and features the planned outcomes the section has for 2024. The report also demonstrates how the section contributed to global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.

The report is of benefit to all stakeholders working towards sustainable urban development and will galvanize all to commit their support to UN-Habitat and to each other to realize actionable outcomes.
A Road Map Towards a Socioeconomic Development Plan for the Union of Municipalities of Jord El-Qaytaa, Akkar Governorate 2024 This booklet outlines strategic directions towards socioeconomic development for the Union of Municipalities of Jord El-Qaytaa in Akkar Governorate. They were developed within the scope of UN-Habitat's initiative "Improving Planning Capacities for Social and Economic Local Development" implemented between 2020 and 2023 in close collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
Urban Content of NDCs: Local climate action explored through in-depth country analyses: 2024 Report (advance copy) 2024 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the cornerstone of the Paris Agreement and are the main policy instruments used to indicate national contributions toward global efforts for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This report, jointly prepared by UNDP, UN-Habitat, and the University of Southern Denmark, with support from C40 Cities, analyzes urban content in the 194 NDCs as of June 2023.
Douala Spatial Profile (Cameroon) 2024 Based on a spatially focused and cross-sectoral situational analysis of urban settlements hosting displaced populations, this multi-scale profile allows locals, stakeholders, and readers to develop a comprehensive spatial understanding of the existing situation as a tool dedicated to the decision-making process for urban development strategies and infrastructure investment planning.