About the Advisory Board on Zero Waste
Zero Waste Good Practices

From glass waste to wealth!

Plastic Free Balearics

Cassava Peel Recycling

Hyatt IndoCluster Project

On-site food waste valorization

Project Zero

Plastic bottle waste as payment

Smart waste ambon

The trash traveler

Waste to energy

BetterTable certificate

Empowering change

Food sustainability

Food waste reduction at home

Food waste cruise sector

Ore Sand
Thematic Briefs

Reuse and refill

Plastic Pollution

Construction Waste


Just Transition
Case Studies

Chemical Recycling Colombia

Zero Waste to Landfill Pilot

Community-led Circular Economy
Technical Manuals

Breaking the Plastic Wave Report (PEW Charitable Trusts, 2020)

A Practical Guide to Achieve Zero Waste for Individuals, Organisations, and Cit…

Zero Waste Guide: Reuse Items (World Economic Forum, 2023)

Reimagining our buildings and spaces for a circular economy (Ellen MacArthur Fo…
News and Stories

Reducing solid waste and achieving zero waste targets
Ex-officio representative for the UN Secretary-General

Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG)
Composition of the Board

First Lady of Türkiye

José Manuel Moller (Deputy Chair)
Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Algramo

President, International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)

Muhammad Yunus (former member)
Co-founder and Chairman, Yunus Environment Hub

Executive Director, CEMPRE (Compromiso Empresarial para el Reciclaje)

Chief Executive Officer, The Waste Transformers

Professor, Energy and Environment, University of Delaware, and Honorary Professor, Sustainable Resources Development, University of Queensland

Founder, EauGlobe

Secretary-General, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

Secretary-General, CityNet Asia Pacific
Secretariat hosted by

United Nations Human Settlements Programme

United Nations Environment Programme