
  • Day 1. Wednesday 14th November 2018
  • Day 2. Thursday 15th November 2018
  • Day 3. Friday 16th November 2018


The Policy Dialogues cater for knowledge exchange on policy principles and commitments for scaling up participatory slum upgrading and prevention. There are dedicated high-level roundtables: policy dialogues for Mayors, Parliamentarians, Ministers, Ambassadors and Universities to launch peer learning and contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda in slums and informal settlements.


The Roundtable Sessions host discussions focusing on strengthening and expanding partnerships and strategies at global, regional, national and local levels, and sharing different perspectives and angles on certain topics, providing information, views and solutions to key topics related to scaling up participatory slum upgrading.The sessions facilitate in-depth discussions on promoting and presenting innovative approaches, tools and impact stories for scaling up the PSUP in the established network of 40 ACP countries.


The Working Sessions bring together similar groups of stakeholders to focus on the importance of a coherent approach to slums and informal settlements upgrading. The sessions facilitate discussions on slum upgrading related to the regional and global development agendas. They aim at developing action frameworks for the engagement of the stakeholder groups in slum upgrading at scale.

The Conference Task Team:
Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP)