Whether through research, design, advocacy, innovation or art, women have been increasingly contributing to the vision of better cities and inspiring others to do the same.
The Collection of Ingenious Women’s Initiatives for Sustainable Urban Development spotlights the contributions made by women to the design and implementation of socially and environmentally sustainable, resilient, and inclusive urban and architectural development around the world.
Submit your inspiring projects and initiatives to be showcased on the Ingenious Women's Initiatives Collection Gallery. Top entries will be awarded a prize for ingenuity in March 2022.
Submitted initiatives should directly contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable" and should relate to one or more of the below themes:
- Designing and implementing environmentally sustainable and energy efficient solutions;
- Designing for social inclusivity and diversity, including for women, children, youth and elder persons, and persons with disabilities;
- Enhancing safety and accessibility of urban areas and public spaces for all; Contributing to building resilience, including response to climate-related challenges and;
- Integrating innovation and technology to address urban development challenges.
*All submitted initiatives must be women-led.
Evaluation Criteria
Submissions will be evaluated based on their:
- Link to Sustainable Development Goals, with emphasis on SDG11 and its targets
- Innovation and Ingenuity
- Creation of tangible, lasting, and transferable impact
Put your submissions here.
*Only complete submissions will be featured on the Ingenious Women’s Initiatives Online Exhibition.