Event date

Republic of South Sudan; Ministry of Lands, Housing and Physical Planning 2nd South Sudan Urbanization Conference Juba 15-18 October 2014


Venue: Parliamentary Affairs Programme

Day 1 Wednesday 15 October 2014               Part One


Activity description



8.30 – 9.00

Registration of participants



9.10 – 10.00

Opening Ceremony / Introduction of Program

Undersecretary MLHPP

Eng. Alikaya Aligo/ MC

9.10 –  9.15

Remarks by European Union

Representative of EU

9.15 –  9.20

Remarks by the UN-HABITAT

Representative of UN-HABITAT

9:20 – 9:25

Representative of State Ministers of MoPI

Hon. Minister MoPI, WBGS

9:25 –  9:40

Remarks by Honorable Minister

Hon. Minister LHPP

9:40 –  10:00

Remarks by the President of the RSS

H.E. The President

10.00 – 10.20

Tea Break


10.20 – 10.40

Dynamics of world urbanization



10.40 – 11.10

Discussion (Q&A session)


Moderator: Juba Univ.

9.00 – 9:20

Post-disaster Urban Africa Reconstruction Prospects

Eng. Alikaya Aligo (Undersecretary MLHPP

Eng.  James Twong (DG MoPI/Upper Nile State)

11.35 – 13.00

Discussion (Q&A session)


13.00 – 14.00

Lunch Break


14.00 – 14.20

Dynamics of Land Administration in South Sudan

Eng. Rhoda Joseph Kuch (DG Research MLHPP) Eng. Alikaya Aligo (Undersecretary MLHPP)

DG MOPI Western Bahr el Ghazal

14.20 – 14.50

Discussion (Q&A session)


14.55 – 15.15

Perspectives of Land Registration in South Sudan

Dr. Francesca Marzatico (SLGE EU/MLHPP) Eng. Alikaya Aligo (Undersecretary MLHPP)

Robert Ladu Chairman SSLC

15.15 – 15.45

Discussion (Q&A session)


15:45 – 16:05

Wrap up

Eng. Rhoda Joseph Kuch (DG Research MLHPP)


16:05 – 16:30

Tea break – End of Day 1


Day 2 Thursday 16 October 2014


Activity description



9:00 – 9:20

Parameters of Integrated Physical planning in South Sudan

Eng. Terriesa iro

Louis Gore

9:20 – 10:00

Discussion (Q&A session)  


10.00 – 10.20

Tea Break


10.20 – 10.40

Consolidating Housing in South Sudan: Abstracts  from the draft National Housing Policy

Eng. Silvas Clark (DG Housing – MLHPP)

Dr. Peter Marino (DG Physical Planning MLHPP)

10.40 – 11.10

Discussion (Q&A session)


11.15 – 11.35

Ramciel Development: Challenges and Way forward

Eng. Alikaya Aligo (Undersecretary MLHPP) Eng. Louis Kuot (Ag DG Projects)

Vice Chancellor of Juba University

11.35 – 13.00

Discussion (Q&A session)


13.00 – 14.00

Lunch Break


14.00 – 15:30

Mayors Round Table Discussion: challenges of urbanization Mayor of Juba, Wau, Malakal and Bor  


Dr. Komyangi Bilal (Uni. Of Juba)

15:45 – 16:05

Wrap up

Eng. Morris Lomodong


16:05 – 16:30

Tea break – End of Day2


Day 3 Friday 17 October 2014


Activity description



9:00 – 9:30

Aspects of the Draft National Urbanization Policy

Peter Marino (DG Physical Planning MLHPP) Christian Okafor I.

Eng. Alikaya Aligo (Undersecretary MLHPP)

9:30 – 10: 00

Discussion (Q&A session) 


10.00 – 10.20

Tea Break


10:20 – 12:20

Focus Group Discussions on the draft National Urbanization Policy

All Participants

Selected team

12:20 – 13:30

Lunch Break


13:30 – 15:00

Group reporting   


Hon. D/ Minister MLHPP


Closing Ceremony


15:00 – 15:10

Wrap up

Eng. Alikaya Aligo (Undersecretary MLHPP)


15:10 – 15:15

Word of thanks by participants

Hon. Minister of MoPI - CES


15:15 – 15:25

Closing Remarks by Hon. Minister, MLHPP


15:25 – 15:40

Closing Remarks by Guest of Honour


15:40 – 17:00

Cocktail Party


Day 4 Saturday 18 October 2014


Activity description



9:30 – 12:30

Government Consultations



12:30 – 13: 30

Lunch and departure