The process towards Habitat III included the elaboration of 22 Issue Papers and the creation of 10 Policy Units. The Habitat III Issue Papers are summary documents that address one or more research areas, highlight general findings, and identify research needs on topics related to housing and sustainable urban development. The Habitat III Policy Units brought together high-level expertise to explore state-of-the-art research and analysis; identify good practices and lessons learned, and develop independent policy recommendations on particular issues regarding sustainable urban development.
Habitat III Issue Papers
The Habitat III Issue Papers are summary documents that address one or more research areas, highlight general findings, and identify research needs on topics related to housing and sustainable urban development.
The Papers provide an in-depth review and analysis of specific issues relevant to the discussions of the Conference. They were prepared by United Nations Task Team on Habitat III, a task force of UN agencies and programmes, as well as several experts and organizations related to the different topics. The methodology of elaboration of the Issue Papers was in line with the development of the compendium of issues briefs prepared by the United Nations inter-agency Technical Support Team for the United Nations General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.
Area 1. Social Cohesion and Equity-Livable Cities
1. Inclusive Cities
2. Migration and Refugees in Urban Areas
3. Safer Cities
4. Urban Culture and Heritage
Area 2. Urban Frameworks
5. Urban Rules and Legislation
6. Urban Governance
7. Municipal Finance
Area 3. Spatial Development
8. Urban and Spatial Planning and Design
9. Urban Land
10. Urban-Rural Linkages
11. Public Space
Area 4. Urban Economy
12. Local Economic Development
13. Jobs and Livelihoods
14. Informal Sector
Area 5. Urban Ecology and Environment
15. Urban Resilience
16. Urban Ecosystems and Resource Management
17. Cities and Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Area 6. Urban Housing and Basic Services
18. Urban Infrastructure and Basic Services, including Energy
19. Transport and Mobility
20. Housing
21. Smart Cities
22. Informal Settlements
Policy Units
The preparatory process of Habitat III should mobilize all expertise on sustainable urban development which represents various constituent groups and stakeholders, and whose selection is guided by geographical and gender balance, as well as qualitative criteria in terms of contribution to the Habitat III preparatory process.
The policy units would:
- Bring together high-level expertise to explore state-of-the-art research and analysis
- Identify good practices and lessons learned
- Develop independent policy recommendations on particular issues regarding sustainable urban development
The main tasks of the Policy Units are to:
- Identify the challenges, including the structural and policy constraints, to the New Urban Agenda within the issues discussed by each policy unit
- Identify the policy priorities and critical issues for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda within the issues discussed by each policy unit
- Develop action-oriented recommendations for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda
Policy Units are composed of 20 experts each, bringing together individual experts from a variety of fields, including academia, government, civil society, and other regional and international bodies.
Member States and stakeholders are encouraged to propose suitable qualified technical experts and co-leading organizations to compose the Habitat III Policy Units by 24 June 2015.